MECS-MAPS: introduction

The software logic is based on three types of different entities:
  • LOGS: they correspond to the log files recorded in the field by MECS-VINE e MECS-CROP ; every LOG contains the data recorded between the MECS system on and off (providing that the system has been on at least 5 minutes); a single log can cover a single field, or more fields, or even only a part of a single field;
  • FIELDS: they correspond to the boundaries of the single parcels and can be provided, ready for use, by Studio Terradat, or digitized by the user by means of specific software functionalities;
  • MAPS: they correspond to maps related to single FIELDS; MECS-MAPS contains the funtionalities needed to process one or more LOGS, that cover one or more FIELDS, in order to produce a series of MAPS (one map for each parcel).

MECS-MAPS: video guide (user's manual)

Video #0 - Software installation
Video #1 - Software activation
Video #2 - LOG import
Video #3 - LOG processing
Video #4 - FIELDS creation
Video #5 - MAPS creation
Video #6 - Visualization - general options
Video #7 - Elements selection from the treeview controls
Video #8 - Map window navigation & selection
Video #9 - Visualization options: LOGS
Video #10 - Visualization options: MAPS
Video #11 - LOGS menu - functionalities
Video #12 - FIELDS menu - functionalities
Video #13 - MAPS menu - functionalities
Video #14 - VRT Manager
Video #15 - VRT Archive Manager
Video #16 - Data Export
Video #17 - MultiMap Manager
Video #18 - Math Map Manager
Video #19 - Vine Movie Viewer
Video #20 - MECS-VINE Geometry Calculator

Video #0 - Software installation:

Video #1 - Software activation:

Video #2 - LOG import:

Video #3 - LOG processing:

Video #4 - FIELDS creation:

Video #5 - MAPS creation:

Video #6 - Visualization - general options:

Video #7 - Elements selection from the treeview controls:

Video #8 - Map window navigation & selection:

Video #9 - Visualization options - LOGS:

Video #10 - Visualization options - MAPS:

Video #11 - LOGS menu - functionalities:

Video #12 - FIELDS menu - functionalities:

Video #13 - MAPS menu - functionalities:

Video #14 - VRT Manager:

Video #15 - VRT Archive Manager:

Video #16 - Data Export:

Video #17 - MultiMap Manager:

Video #18 - Math Map Manager:

Video #19 - Vine Movie Viewer:

Video #20 - MECS-VINE Geometry Calculator: